Outcast Universe is shutting down

Hi fellow Adelphians!

It has been a while since you heard from us and we have some unfortunate news.

By the end of 2015 Danny and I went on an adventure together to create Outcast Universe; a fan created endeavor to support the development of (future) Outcast games and developer Appeal to bring the franchise under the attention of gamers. We have created this website and launched it in the beginning of 2016 to share news, game information and artwork to the fans of the franchise besides running various social media channels like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. We also created a collaboration with other fans and fansites like Fabian from Planet Adelpha, Adam from Under The Moons, Nuelan from Outcastii.net and others and called ourselves Superfans. All of us have been in direct contact with developer Appeal which was a unique and special experience over these last few years.

A while ago Danny informed me and the others mentioned above that he had the desire to move on and leave our joined venture to me and so for the last couple of months I have been thinking about what to do with Outcast Universe from here on. Like all of us I have grown since the beginning of our project, for example I got married, became a father of 2 great kids, found a new job and therefor got a lot more responsibility. With all of that, finding the time to put in Outcast Universe became harder and harder over the last few years.

So, with great sadness, I have decided to also move on which means Outcast Universe is shutting down in the near future.

I would like to thank Danny for the years of exciting endeavors and our wonderful collaboration, I am proud of what we have created and achieved together and will think back of it with great fondness.

I want to thank each of the Superfans, especially Fabian, Adam and Nuelan for the great and joyful times we had together and I want to thank the devs for this truly amazing opportunity you gave to me and us. I am grateful to have been part of this adventure and to share the love for Outcast with you all. I wish you all the best for the future and who knows, we may meet again in the future on a similar project.

Of course I would also like to thank all of the Outcast fans and gamers out there;
without you there would not have been an Outcast Universe so a million thanks to all of you!

Danny & Roy
signing out

– Outcast Universe –

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